Tasks run but nothing happend

Hi i have a task who run since 2 hours. Normally it will be passed on 1100 records, but now it make only 643 records.
Since one hour nothing happend, there is always 643 records but the tasks run in the task history.
i try to refresh, disable, but nothing change , can you help me please ?
Thanks [Capture d’écran 2022-04-12 à 12.26.33.png]


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Maybe there's an important detail in what the task is doing? If you share a screenshot, I or others might be able to help on this forum. And if you want to get a more confidential look, you can book me for a consulting session.  
  • Gregory
    Gregory Member
    thanks for your response  !
    The task is not hard. And i have succeded to run another task , ans it's a succes .
    So it's just a pb in front ? or do you think the task try to run behind ? 
  • Gregory
    Gregory Member
    [Capture d’écran 2022-04-12 à 14.13.15.png]
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     that processing one probably will timeout. Tasks don't run in parallel, so I'm guessing it crashed for some reason since there is another task above it that succeeded.
  • Gregory
    Gregory Member
    ok thanks , 
    yes i try to run another task to crush the tasks. but it will be processing during a long time and now it's done with timeout