Check if geo_point input exists

Hi all,

is there a way to check an input of type "geo_point" if it exists?

Checking for null does not work, it immediately shows the following message if parameter does not exist:[image.png]But when I insert a parameter and leave it empty then it brings me a null[image.png]


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     you could accomplish this with a conditional and using the is_empty filter

    IF input: location | is_empty | = true

    THEN xyz...

    ELSE abc...
  • Dmytro Pyatkovka
     thank you for your answer.

    But unfortunately this does not work. I have set as follows:
    And this is what I get when no parameter "location" is set.[image.png]
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     "Unable to locate input: location" would mean the input does not exist. Are you looking to do something else specifically?
  • Dmytro Pyatkovka
    Hi ,

    I would like to have the "location" parameter not as a required field and would use this API call without specifying "location". 
    Similar to other parameter types e.g. date or text - if they don't exist, it will return a null and then I can modify the logic with an IF request.