Transform Xano generated timestamp to date format for Bubble

I want to show the date of the last record from my Xano database in Bubble and I'm presuming that I can get this from the timestamp data.

When I make a get request to the timestamp parameter it displays as a number like this: "1649858712526".

I can't find a way to convert this output into a date format within Bubble so I'm wondering if there's anything I can do function wise in Xano to create a date column in my database, converting this output into a readable date format or if there's a simpler solution?

Any help would be appreciated 🙂


  • Dmytro Pyatkovka
    you can use the filter "format_timestamp" to convert timestamp to normal date. [image.png]And then you can override in your object the property "created_at". So that you have a normal date in the output of your API.
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     great answer.  - you can see even more options for formatting timestamps however you want in our documentation
  • Rand
    Rand Member
    ,  thanks both!