Which data visualisation and reporting apps work best with Xano?

I'm a big fan of using Google Data Studio with BiqQuery and other integrated data sources.

Is there a way to hook up Xano database data with Data Studio for real-time reports or is there some other platform others recommend, such as Tableau, PowerBI or something else?

Open to suggestions. I saw the retool demo which looked interesting as a starting point.


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Retool is a great place to start. Simple, very API-focused, plays to Xano's strengths. Decent free tier to make it easy to get going. You could introduce more ceremony to bridge to GDS via, say, synching with bigquery, but I'd want to be sure you need the features that make that fixed time cost worthwhile.
  • Rand
    Rand Member
     thank you 🙂