Help filtering array list based on another array

I need some help on how to implement a certain requirement. Is this the right forum to ask? If yes, 

I have two tables Say A and B. 

Table A has 
Product_Name (String) + other fields + 
BOM_Products (Object List) with below fields 
BOM_Product_Id (Integer), 

Table B, has

User_Pref_Theme + other fields + 
Hide_BOMs (of type Integer list ) which holds the ids.

When I query table A to get the Product_name list and its associated BOM_Products list, I want to exclude the BOM_PRODUCT_Ids that are stored in Table B-> Hide_BOMs

Can you advise how to do that?


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    I'd use 2 queries. One to get the HIDE_BOMS as an array, and then query the other table with a "not in" filter based on the array you got in the first query.

    I appreciate there's a bit involved here. Let me know if you want to discuss this 1-1. I think we could sort it out in 20 mins. 
  • Swathi
    Swathi Member
     Hi Ray, Thanks a lot for your response. I tried but unsuccessful. This is what I tried.

    But getting this error.

  • Swathi
    Swathi Member
    Here is the structure of my table. I have also sent a 1-1 request to you. Thanks a lot for volunteering to help.

  • Kevin Wasie
    Kevin Wasie Member
     This might help: