"Get All Inputs" as raw text

I'm integrating with Segment webhooks. I'd like to implement signature verification according to the Segment docs:

To do this, I'm using "Get All Inputs" with encoding set to "none". I'm expecting to get the raw request body, so that I can apply an hmac_sha1 function against it to check the signature that's provided in the x-signature request header. Unfortunately, it appears that I'm getting an object back, not the raw string, because when I try to apply hmac_sha1, I get this error:
hash_hmac(): Argument #2 ($data) must be of type string, array given

How can I get the entire raw body as an original text string, so that I can use hmac_sha1 with it?



  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    So one hacking-style idea is to rebuild the json from the object using the function in xano. Might produce the same string to match your source.
  • Is there a filter for serializing an object into a JSON string? I haven't been able to find that. 
  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
     json_encode is what you are looking for. 
  • Thanks. Unfortunately, the output from json_encode is different from the raw body. Of course, that makes sense, because it needs to match 100% exactly for the signature to match and the body isn't necessarily canonical json.
  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
     Have you tried changing the encoding on your get all input call? Default is JSON but I think there is a plain text option available to you
  •  Yes, I tried that. It still comes back as an object, and when I use "Stop and Debug" it still looks like an JSON object, not a raw string
  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
     Yes, I ran a test myself. If it receives non-JSON it works as I would hope, but when it sees a string that could be JSON it gets too smart for its own good. I'm at an impasse:  and  do you have a better idea?
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    Hmmm the get all inputs as text was designed for exactly this. Will see what's going on.
  • Brian Giometti
    Brian Giometti Member
    edited November 2022

    Did this ever get sorted out? I'm having the same issue hashing a payload for a different API. It seems the 'Get all inputs' function still parses the JSON (regardless of encoding setting) rather than leave it as a string.

  • Chris
    Chris Member

    I have the exact same issue. How do I get the "raw" body.

  • Brian Giometti

    @Chris check out this snippet they created for doing this on Stripe webhooks (its applicable and standard for most signature verification).

    I believe in the end it ended up needing some tweaks, but the 'Get All Inputs' function works now if you set enconding to 'none'