Are tasks running on a weak server?

Hi there, I have a function that when I execute it in my browser, it takes roughly 5-8secs, but when I execute the very same function through an automated Task within Xano, the task history says it takes 400-500secs.

I also severely reduced the amount of data that is being worked on in this function/task, because otherwise the Task will fail (reason: timeout).

I'm now at a point where I have to reduce the workload of that task to such small amounts of data, that I will have to start running it in little pieces, every 15min, instead of in one large chunk once per day.

Does anyone have any ideas or tips? Are the Xano tasks running on some throttled server?


  • This also happens here and ends up becoming a problem.

    Tasks is an excellent resource, but it has already addressed some problems of not processing or accumulating when the repetition period is small.
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    Tasks are run on a different resource environment since we allow unlimited tasks.

    It shouldn't be 10x slower though. We will be looking into that.
  • [Captura de Tela 2022-04-04 às 13.54.42.png] From what I've noticed over time, the execution time varies a lot and that's what harms some functions. I use Redis a lot to throw some tasks to run in the background, but some more critical ones shouldn't take as long or not be processed.

    This is another problem that I face now, it accumulates and is processing and does not execute any, as shown in the attached image.
  • Gi Ma
    Gi Ma Member
      I can only confirm the above. As mentioned, mine go from 5-8 secs in the browser, to 400-700secs, and then still I don't have the confirmation that they go through. They might just "time out" there.
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     This more than likely is indicating that your tasks are running out of memory and crashing.

     can you contact support? please provide some links to your tasks and we can take a look if anything stands out.
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hi   - we just rolled out improvements for background task performance. Please keep an eye on things and let us know how this improves things for you

  • Perfect. This is excellent news. I will analyze the performance next week.

  • How can we know what it is. It would be interesting to have a place where we could see all errors and problems with tasks. Also if it were possible somewhere in Xano to have the possibility to centralize all endpoint errors. When complexity increases and on larger systems it is sometimes difficult to have to access each endpoint from time to time. Especially when we do an update. I don't know if you understand. Would it be possible to implement this in Xano?
  • Gi Ma
    Gi Ma Member
     Thank you very much! I've kept an eye on it ever since the release, and can confirm that this has been improved significantly! Thank you very much!🙌