SQL Server to Xano import

We have an existing SQL server database having 100+ tables and some of them have a lot of data in it. To take each table, import them to xano and change data type for each field is waste of time and sometime resulting in loss of data when we are changing data types. Is there any better way in xano by which we can take our SQL Server tables and import to Xano which is using postgresql. There are tools available out there but I am not sure how to import that to Xano.


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Where is your SQL database? Hosted on azure, on prem, etc? And do you have access to it over ODBC, an API, etc? These might help zero in on a method. 
  • Gaurav Thakur
     Thanks for replying, Its hosted In Premises, yes we have access to ODBC.
  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
     Given the situation, you could try for an enterprise plan for Xano in order to get direct-to-database connectivity to support the stransfer, or build a small script - perhaps on a local machine - to:
    1.  pull data from the SQL Server db, 
    2. send it to Xano over the endpoint, and then 
    3. confirm receipt in order to make sure everything gets there. 

    The annoying part will be the first step - setting up the tables, since Xano doesn't support automating that from a function stack AFAIK. But its a one-time cost, and with a little bit of scripting to bridge database requests to Xano API calls you can have a lot of confidence in the integrity of the data transfer.