
Hi, before I start a project, I want to find out if the following is possible -

I am well versed with APIs and the like but just want to make sure all of this is possible even if it needs to use a few apps/software to achieve it.

Looking forward to your suggestions.
Part 1. Registration form that sends a request to the adminstrator to approve their account once approved persons details are saved in an excel file/crm and files are saved in a online drive with the option for the approver/administrator to add additional categories next to the persons details (in the crm). These details to be used for further correspondence. Also once approved, contract for esignsture to be sent, with reminders, once signed, save in Dropbox.
Part 2 Categorical (Conditional Logic) Emails about events.
Automatic notification of event, as soon as I post event details. I would like an invite (email) to go out to all in the category for them to mark their interest with the event details. This again would go to the approver/administrator to confirm if it’s a suitable fit. Email back to those who marked interest to say accepted or rejected.

Part 3.
I would like those who were at the event to be able to submit a picture at the end of the event for the approver/administrator to see, to be marked as accepted (notification sent to member once approved)

Part 4. Categorical Online Training
To be able to create a training section with videos and quizzes based on categories.

I have seen this which allows me to create a members area... between just want to make sure the other bits are possible



  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Yes, you can involve Xano in an app that does all of those things. The front end parts and certain event triggers will come from elsewhere, but these involve storage, receiving web requests and sending web requests, all of which are up Xano's alley.