Sharing the workload with a friend

I have a complex back-end scheduler to write which will involve multi-level conditional queries, extensive business logic and much more than just simple crud operations, and I am finding it difficult.  I have a friend who is retired (like me!) who has many years of database and programming experience and has offered to help me work through the scale of my task (for free!).  I only need the Build plan at present, so how can I get him to help me share the pain?  He needs to see what I am trying to achieve and get to understand Xano.  Can he get access to my environment and mock-up specific functions for me while I do other stuff, or does he have to signup for a Build plan of his own then somehow exchange (merge) his work with mine so I don't have to rewrite everything?  This is a hobby project at the moment and I can't contemplate a move up to the launch plan unless it develops into something more serious.  Any ideas and help on how to achieve this is appreciated, thanks Trefor


  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator



    The Build plan never was designed for collaboration, so there isn't much we can do without upgrading to Launch.

    We recently were doing a Spring promotion. Contact support and ask if that is still valid. They may be able to offer you a discount.
  • Trefor Walcroft
     Thanks Sean, but what about other ways - can I export / import Functions from one Xano account into another.  Is this what a snippet is used for?
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    Yes you can do that but keep in mind that snippets are for public sharing. That means anyone will be able to use them on