API gateway

How can we set a easy gateway url to access the API much like one sets up API gateway for lambdas in AWS?


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    There are two parts to the URL you might want to change: the domain and the path. In the URL "https://domain.com/mypath/to/endpoint" domain is the part before the slash (domain.com) and the path is "/mypath/to/endpoint". 

    In Xano, you can get a custom domain attached with a paid plan, so you could make https://api.mohan.com/api:abcd1234/compatibility, for instance.

    AFAIK the path URL syntax (with its "api:" business) isn't modifiable as of today.

     can set me straight on both of these. 
  • mohan ramanujam
     I have my domain with Amazon and I have a certificate *.mydomain.com and I am using api.mydomain.com there to point to some lambdas. What type of changes would I have to make to get api.mydomain.com/mypath/to/my/xnoendpoints working.

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    You can get api.mydomain.com to point to your xano instance,and use their endpoint paths from there. Joining two different services (the API gateway and the Xano server) into one domain is trickier, because basically one needs to wrap the other for it to work right. It's also expensive because you have to pay a bit more for relaying the transactions. IMHO the better play is to just have two subdomains (call them api.domain.com and api2.domain.com for lack of creative inspiration on my part) and have one run to your API Gateway and the other to Xano. Minimizes complexity and your infrastructure bills. 
  • mohan ramanujam
    great suggestion api2....