Table search text control access via API

how can i tap into text search that is there on tables via API. I have looked at Custom Query but still not so clear on it.



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    You are looking in the right place. By Custom Query is how you would build your search. You'd start with the db field you want to search on and the desired operator to some type of input or function stack variable. Then you can even chain statements with and, or, and groups, & or groups. 
  • mohan ramanujam
    so if I have a firstname, lastname, bio fields and I want to search textand find matching records, I would use custom query, but what operator would I use?
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    It just depends on how rigid or flexible you want the search to be and the data types of your fields.

    for example, EQUALS is always an exact match. If you are using a text, INCLUDES is very flexible you could have an input value of "bl" match with "Blue spoon"
  • mohan ramanujam
    Thx. That is what I needed