Passing a list of objects to an API from Appgyver

I'm trying to figure out how to pass a list of objects from Appgyver to Xano to add to a table.  

The list contains 2 fields:
1.  crewID (int)
2. Time (string)

The list could contain up to 8 rows.  I'm trying to configure the Xano API to add all the data in the list to the table in a single API call.  I'm not sure if this is possible but thought I would ask.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Achin Lalit-4071902
    Hi please make sure you have configured Lists to contain Objectw in Appgyver.  Add a PageVariable and set it to List and the then change that list to contain Objects. Then when you send data to Xano, Iterate over that list and update accordingly. 
  • nP Dev
    nP Dev Member

    Thanks for the reply.  I've got my pagevar setup in Appgyver as a list of objects.  What I don't know how to do is on the Xano side.  How do I get Xano to add all the data in the list to the table?
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     when  described iterating over the list, he was referring to a loop. You will likely want to use a For Each Loop and then you can add each item to the database