Batch POST data

Hi there,

I currently use another no-code automation tool called Integromat(aka Make) to do some GET requests.

At the moment I write this data to a Bubble DB which allows for a maximum of 1000 records to be created in 1 POST request.

Just wondering if Xano has a similar capability? and if so how do I setup an end point to allow for this?

It's non-feasible at the moment for me to post the data record by record


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     100% possible and a common use case in Xano. You would input the list of records, use a For Each Loop to iterate through them then add each record.. here's a tutorial that uses a the for each loop to add multiple records at a time -
  • Bryan
    Bryan Member
    Thanks Michael! Very excited to use Xano!

    Today, marks Day 0 for me using Xano 🙂

    One common thing in the world of using external APIs is accounting for errors. Specifically retry functionality (if the 3rd party server is down).

    Is there any resources you can point me to to understand error handling  in Xano better?