Monthly Tasks

How do I get a task to be scheduled the 1st of every month?

Currently the closest option is every 4 weeks, which by technicalities, is not a month as each month has a different amount of days / weeks.


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Hi, Felix! I described a general pattern in your other question on task management. To recap for others who aren't looking at both questions:

    1) Make a _daily_ task
    2) Make a function that checks today's date and "if" today the first of the month (I would use format timestamp with an argument of "d" for this job and compare that result with "1"), and then runs your logic
    3) Add the logic from (2) to the function stack of your daily task from (1)

    Then you can add additional "do this on a specific day" functions like that from (2) and just add them to your function stack. One task to rule them all! 
  • Felix Tan-2030210
    Great hack. Thanks Ray! 🙂