WMX Webbook for New Member

Hi Xano team,

I'm unable to get the webhook to work properly for the /memberstack_member endpoint. All environment variables (Webflow, Memberstack, Xano) have been setup and the Memberstack form is validated (I can successfully create a new member from Webflow, but the new member does not trigger the webhook).

I also tested a New Member webhook with Memberstack (using Webhook.site) and validated its passing a payload.

When I use the Xano endpoint "https://x8ki-letl-twmt.n7.xano.io/api:-UoY03IE/memberstack_member" it's failing.

Any idea why this is happening or how to troubleshoot it further?

Thank you!

Further, in the tutorial WMX tutorial video .. it doesn't show that you need to create a form input for Webflow Member ID so that the webflow member ID can be updated.
