Apply Filter to Input

I'd like to apply a filter to my input data. 

E.g. I have a url that's coming in url encoded, I'd like to immediately url_decode. 

Can I apply that filter directly to the input variable `url`?


  • Connor McCormick
    I tried, but it doesn't come up with anything:
  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    That screen is for adding requirements to the input and a couple of very simple transforms - it is not as extensible as what you want. My best bet is to make a first line that does create variable, call it newurl, with a value of the url and a url_decode filter applied to it. 
  • Connor McCormick
    Why don't they just enable all possible filters there? 

    Did the variable trick but I don't like it.