Save me: Unable to update object

I'm trying to update an object field with some object but I'm getting an empty array as response

The table field:[Image]
How I'm updating the field:[Image]
The result I'm getting:[Image]
I also had this kind of issue trying to update an array and didn't find any solution. So you will save me if you can help me.


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Have you defined a schema for "extra" on the table? Objects in Xano require knowing what their fields are.  (As opposed to JSON types that are more flexible). They produce some strange results when they don't have fields defined, which seems consistent with your experience here. Could you try clicking into that field header and click "manage schema?" If it has things in it, perhaps you could post a screenshot? 
  • Leo Med
    Leo Med Member
    I didn't define any schema. Let me try that, thanks
  • Leo Med
    Leo Med Member
    That was it! Thank you👍