Basic not_empty filter question

I'm using an add on to output an object array. 

I'm attempting to create a new variable that includes only results for which the addon object array is not empty. 

I attempted to use dot notation and "not_empty" filtering, but can't seem to accomplish this. 

Here is a paired down output of what I'm getting. I'd like to exclude user_id: 4 from my results, because that user does not have any notes (_notes_of_user). 


user_id: 4,_notes_of_user: []},

user_id: 7,_notes_of_user: [
{id: 1,note: Example


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Can you show us screenshots of your function stack? This should work if done correctly. 
  • Josh Chambers
    Josh Chambers Member
    Thanks, Michael. I think, perhaps, what I was doing was selecting the wrong path in the not_empty filter. Instead of using a text input and just labeling the path itself (_notes_of_user), I may have been using the variable with dot notation (push_granted._notes_of_user).

    Attached is what I'm using now. I believe it is working now. Is this the correct way of doing this? 
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     it looks like the image posted is broken for me :( can you try again?