Add "Name" to Sendgrid Magic Link

Would be nice to include From Name in the default API call and be able to dynamically choose the name based on the request (e.g. magic links = company name, other sendgrid emails = personal name)
[CleanShot 2022-05-16 at 15.26.00@2x.png]


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    AFAIK can control what goes in the name field, including setting to a variable as you see fit. Is there a hard point keeping you from accomplishing what you want? 
  • Tom
    Tom Member
    I can do it manually like shown on the screenshot above, but I think this should be set by Xano as a part of Magic Link setup. Otherwise you'll end up with email address being used as a "From" name. Not something you want by default I think.