Function Stack

Does anyone here know a function stack videos tutorials? I think this part would be Xano's heart

Edit: I found a lot of videos on Xano's youtube channel


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Glad you found it, our channel is linked on the left side and I'll also leave it here for anyone looking:
  • Moabe Vettore
    Moabe Vettore Member
     I'm looking for update a record based in other table. For example:

    I have an address with neighborhood and region
    I created a table called neighborhoods, listing all neighborhood names in the city and their respective region.
    When I send a new address via API with this neighborhood, I want to update the neighborhood code in the adress table and region too 
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    So when you POST a new record to your address table, you can also add to or edit your region table with whatever relevant information. It would just be adding the additional function (and any logic) to your function stack where this occurs