Separate Tables?

I'm a complete noob to Xano so please be gentle, 😉.
 i'm developing an app with a list of college courses.
The screenshot below shows a database that i've imported from an existing  spreadsheet. I want my app to be able to search by the 3rd  column,  the category column, which is a limited list,  to give as a result the first two columns.
 My first question is should this data in be separate tables, or should I separate them into different tables.
My second question is can i quickly combine both of these text columns into a single object.
My third question is should I do this, or leave it as is?
I'm asking this because the list of courses is quite large, so it would take a long time to this manually, and no I didn't create the original spreadsheet, this is what i  have to work with.
Thank you for your time,


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    This looks like a fine table. You should be able to "query all records" using a value from the third column, and return data containing just the first two columns without much ceremony.