Comparing Any type with Date type


I have a Date type data in the Database and I want to compare it with an input (date type) variable. But the smaller or equal does not work here. Actually smaller works but the equal does not work here. Ex: It does not match if the two dates are equal. Should I transform any of the variables to do this comparison?[screenshot (2).png]


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     I'm not experiencing the same issue. can you please give us more information about your function stack and your variable?
  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Malintha, exactly what do you get from the input? e.g. what is the literal input you are receiving? If you look at recent requests you can see calls to the API endpoint, including the inputs. if you are using run and debug, maybe you could share a screenshot of what that looks like? I suspect the "equals" is a problem of the string representations not being exactly the same.