DATEADD and/or LEAD type functions within XANO


Posted this  in the Noob forum, but probably belongs more in the transforming data group.

Essentially trying to replicate a SQL query that uses DATEADD (substracting months / weeks / quarters) and LEAD functions within XANO. 

Anyone ever successfully done anything similar that they could point me towards?

Much appreciated!



  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Xano has timestamp manipulation filters for the first job, and since all records are stored with serial numbers, you can ask about physical reference points using straightforward incrementing/decrementing current row. So all the information and calculation tools are available. 

    To get the full power, you'll likely want to put more of the business logic inside the function stack - XANO doesn't offer advanced subqueries or arbitrary SQL support outside of its most expensive plans. 

    Let me know if I can be more helpful!