The best way to handle errors?

I'm coming from Integromat, and am enjoying building my 'automations' directly into endpoints and functions.

My plan is to move the bulk of these to Xano, as well as moving my data from Knack & Tadabase.

I am busy pulling in data from VEND and am running into issues with a background task failing, due to VEND having not enforced data correctness, e.g. allowing 'faulty' email addresses and text in postal/zip code fields.

In Integromat I'd be sent an email notification if a 'scenario' failed.
It would be great if I could get notified in some way if an endpoint, function or task errored out. Is there a way to achieve this?

I can see the error in the task log, or when I run a function, but it would be nice to get notified of trouble, so that I could solve these issues proactively and not reactively, by manually checking the logs.

I'm sure I could build logic into my stack to handle the specific errors, but a catchall approach may be less effort. Or am I just being lazy?


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Xano doesn't yet have a "try...catch" or an API for tracking/hooking one's errors. (But it's on the wishlist - vote here!) So the answer today is to build in the logic in your function stack to trigger the outbound email You can use nodemailer in Xano lambdas, or just use an external api endpoint. 
  • Brett Lewis
    Brett Lewis Member
    Many thanks.