Profile API

I am having trouble figuring out how to make an API for a user's profile. I have a User information DB however it does not appear in my API's End Points group. I am truly new at this and would like to know what should I do next? Create another DB called Profile. Use another End Point using an Add on, Start from Scratch and see if this time the DB appears in the End Points. 

My goal is to create an API for the user to update his/her personal information e.g. email, Name, Address, Phone Number, etc...

Looking forward to any suggestions.
Thank you for your time. 


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  a perfect example of this is the /auth/me API endpoint. It gets the User record based on the user ID in the authentication token. 

    The /auth/me endpoint does have a default output of the response but you can change this to include whatever additional user fields you have by going to the output tab on the get record function and selecting customize response
  • Moises Amselem
    Hi, there is any tutorial zhat shows how to use auth APIs? With weblflow for example? 
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     This tutorial shows how to use auth APIs in Xano -