Any way to copy data from one table to another?

Hi - I have about 45 records with images in one table and need to copy that to a new table. There are some differences in the type and number of fields between the two tables. Is it possible to copy the data without having to manually reload the new table? 


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  you won't be able to copy+paste the data from one table to the other... What you could do instead is build a function that:

    Queries all records from table 1
    For Each Loop through all records from table 1
         Add Record for each item to table 2

    You may need to be mindful of fields in table 1 going into a field in table 2 that is a different data type. You could perform any necessary data transformations in the for each loop before the add record.  
  • Rajiv Chopra
    Rajiv Chopra Member
     Hi Michael - thanks. will give this a try