Is it possible to create invoice pdf with pdfmonkey

Before I start exploring my self how to do it, I was wondering:

Is it possible to generate a invoice pdf using pdfmonkey API

I am thinking of the following.

In Xano I have an invoice that belongs to a client and has multiple related invoice lines.

Xano API:
Post invoice Id or invoice number to Xano. Xano fetches the invoice, prepares the json structure for pdf monkey and calls the pdfmonkey API

The response of pdfmonkey contains an url to download the invoice, Wich Xano does and stores the pdf as a file on the invoice record. Xano then returns the url of the pdf stored in Xano in the response  

Thanks in advance,


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  - yes that sounds 100% possible. I wasn't familiar with pdfmonkey API before but I've seen people utilize - in fact there is a pre-built snippet - and also API to do the same or similar flows. Basically if there is in an API it can work with Xano. 
  • Brett Lewis
    Brett Lewis Member
    Options is another service to consider
  • FJP H
    FJP H Member
    Thanks, I will check out de snippet and I just noticed elodo as an alternative. The most important thing is creating the request payload in Xano, to send over to one of the PDF Api's. But I will try that out first.
  • FJP H
    FJP H Member

    Having been busy for a while, I am planning to try out Eledo.

    Is the following workflow possible.

    1. Show Invoice on front-end (Weweb)

    2. Click Download PDF (Weweb)

    3. Call generate-pdf endpoint (xano) with invoice number

    4. In Xano, generate PDF using Eledo and save the resulting PDF to Xano

    Return the PDF file from Xano to Weweb that will (directly) download the PDF to client device.