Label/Lookup field reference table

I am trying out Xano and I have a simple data structure of Invoice and Invoice Lines. Invoice line has a reference to Invoice.

I was creating some test records and now I notice that the lookup field for linking a invoice to an invoice line is not the one I want. As shown in the screenshot below. The invoice billing address is shown, but I would like to have the invoice number to be shown.

How can I set/configure the label/lookup property of the reference table?

Thanks in advance



  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     each table can have the autocomplete display be customized.

    Go to your invoice database table and click the 3 dots in the upper right. Click Auto Complete and then you can customize what gets displayed.
  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Key to Sean’s observation: this gold text is just a convenience when you are looking at the table view. Xano is always just storing an integer that maps to the id column of the table. So whatever you have showing, the underlying data on the table - and what is returned from a query - remain the same.
  • FJP H
    FJP H Member
    Thanks you all. Good to know!