Unknown error when using DELETE external API

When trying to use DELETE on external API I am constantly getting a message "An unknown error has occured."
• If I try with GET instead of DELETE everything works correctly
• By using DELETE and the same URL with postman everything works correctly

Could you, please advice me how to proceed. 
Thank you in advance


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


    Hey, Mark. Just want to clarify, using DELETE on an external API is only failing inside Xano but works fine using Postman? Can you provide screenshots of both Postman and Xano when trying to execute this so we can help troubleshoot? Thanks!
  • Mark Sl
    Mark Sl Member
    Hi. Thanks for your reply.
    Yes, the delete is only failing inside Xano but working fine using Postman.

    This is my xano configuration:[xano-setup.png]This is the error screen:[xano-error.png]This is the postman result with the identical URL:
    [xano-postman.png]Thank you!
  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


     Thanks for this. These can be pretty tricky to troubleshoot. Can you send me a link to the API you're working in, so I can take a closer look?
  • Mark Sl
    Mark Sl Member
     can I send you the link using the support chat or some other way?
  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


     Sure, go ahead and reach out via support chat. I'll be there!