Remove an addon

I attached an add-on to the output of one of my API calls but then realized it's not what I wanted. I don't see a way to remove an addon. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!


  • Dave C
    Dave C Member
    I was able to accomplish it by going to Library > Addons and deleting the add-on. It worked in this case because I wasn't using the addon anywhere else. But I'd still love to know if there's a way to remove it from the request without deleting it.
  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


     Hey, Dave! If you want to remove an addon from a function without deleting it, you can do this by clicking the addon in your function and pressing the red delete button at the bottom.
    This will remove the addon from the function, but not delete the addon entirely if you'd like to apply it elsewhere.
  • Dave C
    Dave C Member
    Thanks Chris!