A corrupted statement should tell me what it used to have

[image.png]I get this message. I used to have several joins, conditions, etc. associated with this statement. 

What were they?

The world will never know because now I cannot see any of the details of what it used to do.


  • Connor McCormick
    Also, wtf. This should never happen. Ever. This was one of the most important queries in my API and now it just broke for no reason? 

    Maybe I can roll it back to a previous version OH WAIT NO I DIDNT PAY FOR THE FUCKING UNDO BUTTON. 
  • Connor McCormick
    While you're coming up with creative business models, what do you think about charging me each time I want to log into my account? 

    And maybe also we could introduce pay-per-click pricing, so that every edit I make can also be a revenue stream?

    After all, Byzantine, labyrinthian, punitive pricing models are really the secret sauce for a beloved product.

    I don't mind paying for useful features. But if your product is going to have bugs don't charge me for features that can reduce their impact.
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hi  -
    We definitely want to help track down the invalid statement. Can you please write into the support chat with where that query is in your workspace so we can take a look and try to help?

    Furthermore, we have a Community Code of Conduct that we stand behind and expect all of our community members to adhere to in order to participate and create a welcoming and inclusive experience. It is perfectly acceptable that you may not agree with every feature (like version history) or part of the platform, however, please keep our Code of Conduct Standards in mind when leaving feedback in the future.
  • Connor McCormick
    Hey yeah you're definitely right. That's not how I want to treat you, I apologize.

    It's inordinately frustrating to find that lines of code can just disappear. Especially under time pressure. But that doesn't excuse my behavior, I was wrong. I'm at my wits end with Xano at the moment. I'm also grateful for your help (and would have given up a long time ago if not for it).

    I got the query working again. If you want to try to replicate the issue it seemed to happen when I changed the number of results per page from a specified number (in this case it was 25) to blank (left the field unspecified).

    I'm genuinely quite annoyed by the fact that version history is a paid for feature. Especially because tracking 3 versions is not enough. Especially especially because if you rollback to one of those prev versions it overwrites the other one you might have rolled back to, so you just have to click and hope you got the right one. So in reality, with 3 versions tracked, you only get 2 possible selections, and you can only pick 1 of them.

    Candidly, upping that number to 6 would make it a minimally useful feature that would feel more fair and would still give ample room for people to want to upgrade. 

    I leave it to you whether you consider charging for version history to be the right business strategy. Maybe you know your users better than I do. 

    The last time I upgraded with Xano it was a 5-10 minute ordeal (because the container had to be swapped?), with many a-la-carte choices to be made along the way.

    If the option I was picking was closer to "click to instantly enable 25 version histories for just +$5 more per month" (or whatever the dollar amount is) that's something I would be much more likely to do. 

    This is detailed user feedback from someone who deeply knows your platform. Thank you for considering my other feedback as well, the fact that I don't have to hit Save as often is much appreciated.

    I have much much more feedback about this product. If there's a product ear on your side that would like to speak with a user that has a software background, lots of experience with other no-code tools, and now hundreds of hours in the Xano product I'm open to scheduling a 30 minute call to talk it through.
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Yes, the query becoming an invalid statement definitely should not happen - the frustration is understood. And thank you for the instructions on how to replicate it - we will be fixing that so it does not happen again for anyone else. 

    I’m glad to hear support has helped you continue along - we definitely strive to provide as much help as possible. It might not always be instantaneous but we do our best with what resources we have.

    I can relay your feedback on version history back to the team for a discussion. We are always continuing to learn how to best serve our different user base with our various plan structures. Plan structures do take time with careful consideration and analysis - and of course community feedback. 

    Feedback is always appreciated - like adding a copy feature to all steps of the debugger. Depending on the feature, we are able to turn a solution around quickly but not always. Other things like the Save button has been on our minds for a long time but does take thought and planning because we want to get it right - and this will be addressed later this year with our new iteration of the function stack. We might not be able to set up a call for a few weeks with what we have in the pipeline at the moment but I’d also be more than happy to share any ideas you have with the team, in that case please shoot me over your thoughts at michael@xano.com. 
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     Update: we have fixed this bug. Thanks for letting us know how to recreate it