Input integer in the dot notation path


I have an object array called Date_Sets

And one its items is another object array, "RelatedLinks" (blue)

My input is going to be #id (in red)

I want to extract "DateOptionLink" from "RelatedLinks" as a list/array w.r.t my input.

For example if my input is 1, then I want to extract the below, which is in the "RelatedLinks"  object array of item 1.

Easiest way is to insert the input into the path in dot notation to extract. 
Is it possible. 

Because I am unable to achieve this with filtering or if conditions. 

Could you guide me to achieve this. 

Thank you, 


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


    Hi, Prathyusha. Here's a couple of examples for you.
    Currently, I have a table called 'deals', with an object array called 'related-items'
    [image.png]and this is what 'related-items' looks like. I have multiple records under 'things' for id 1 in my 'deals' table. Very similar to yours.[image.png]Here are a couple of different ways I could get specifically the content in "things".

    Using get record with a deal_id as my input, I can customize the output to only show me 'things'.
    Here's an example of getting this data using dot notation.
  • Prathyusha Chilagani
    Thanks for the response. 
    I think where I am stuck is, its nested at 3 levels. 

    And, I just mentioned here level 2 object array which I am directly fetching with other inputs. Post to which I intend to fetch a specific item in Level 3 Object Array. Which is dependent on the input I mentioned above

    So, the path gets tricky. 

    Lemme share the screen shots:

    Level 1 is fetched with denom 1, denom 2, denom 3 as inputs: 
    The ImageCardID here is the input to fetch the specific array in the image object here:

    [image.png]And then comes the last stage of fetching the RelatedLinks

    I am kinda stuck here:
  • Prathyusha Chilagani
    CurrentImageSet is Level 2. 
  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


     Thanks for this. The same principle definitely applies, you can go as deep as you want inside those subsets of data. I'd be happy to show you on your specific function if you can provide the link to the endpoint (the link in your address bar when you're working on it). If you don't want to post that here, you can send it to us in the support chat and I'll be there to help.
  • Prathyusha Chilagani
    Hi Chris.. Where can I access the support chat? 
    Also, can I catch you tomorrow? Where I am, its late. 
  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


     Support chat is available inside your workspace -- just click Help and then Support Chat. We're there Monday - Friday during normal work hours for us, usually 7am - 6pm pacific time.