$350 job!

Hi everyone, 

I need help with Xano, I want some expert here to teach me little things in Xano. 

Such as if-statement, and Loops. 


  • Unknown
    , do check out Xano’s YouTube channel. They have a tonne of information and tutorials on how to use Xano that I believe is what you are looking for. I learnt my first steps there as well. Watching their tutorials is as good as having someone going through those things with you in person
  • Mohammad Hamidi
    i watch everything, but it didn't help me. 
  • Brett Lewis
    Brett Lewis Member
    HI Mohammad,

    I'm no expert but I have if-statements and loops working. I'd be very happy to spend an hour or two with you at no charge, to share my knowledge with you.

    If one weekday evening (South Africa time GMT+2) would work for you, please drop me an email (brett@camerastuff.co.za) and we'll arrange a 'zoom'.

    Also check out the offerings at https://statechange.ai and the Xano Office Hours sessions - these may be useful to you too.

    PS : I trust I'm not stealing some consultants/trainers thunder. I'm just happy to help out in the community where I can.