Migrating a Wordpress database to Xano

Hi all,

The current website we’re working on is built using Wordpress. We want to move it to WeWeb and FlutterFlow front-ends with a Xano back-end.

Can anyone point me to the right direction re: migration? Of interest in particular is that the Wordpress website has a TON of images that we need to migrate also to the new one.

Thanks for the help in advance!


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


    Hi, Crystal. Happy to point you in the right direction. Because Xano supports CSV import, you could easily import your entire posts export straight into Xano, and this will usually just contain the images as URLs. I think the issue here would lie in that those URLs will probably be something like /wp-content/uploads/etc... which might not be suitable, unless you just retain that structure on your web host.

    So, let's say you want to grab those images and store them in Xano. You could build some logic to reference that URL, and then create that image resource using the URL and store in Xano directly using a Content Upload function.

    If you want to store them off-site, but change the URLs, I would recommend before importing the CSV into Xano, just do a simple find/replace on the CSV file in a text or spreadsheet editor. This might get a little bit more complicated depending on the URL structure, but totally doable.

    I hope this helps give some insight on how this might work. Let me know if I can answer anything else!