Scalability of XANO

Hi everyone! We're currently trying out XANO in our first production project and we are quite amazed about its capabilities. Thank you for this great piece of software! Can't wait to use it on more production projects.

We were thinking of using XANO for an internal IoT project as well, but we are afraid that we will reach technical limits quite quickly. Does anyone have any XANO-related experience with larger projects that use lots of data and connections? Think of 10.000 - 25.000 sensors that send a few data points every few seconds (every 5 to 10 secs).

Thanks a lot!


  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     great question. Xano has packages up to Scale 4x to meet significant traffic. If you needed more than that then we customize a package for you with our enterprise offering.

    The enterprise offering also supports direct connections to other database services. In this example of potentially 10,000 requests per second, I would probably use timescaledb or timestream to handle that data specifically and then use xano to deal with the business logic and remainder of the database modeling.

    If this is something you want to explore more in detail then book a free consulting session.
  • Ivan Dukic
    Ivan Dukic Member
    Hi  - I'm very sorry for the late reply, I totally forgot about my question honestly as we were quite busy doing other things...

    Thanks a lot for getting back to us in that regard! We are testing Timescale and QuestDB at the moment for that use case - for other non-IoT cases, we are already using Xano and are really liking it! :-) It really saves a lot of resources in managing backend infrastructure and allows us to focus on the end product more. Kudos for creating such a great product.