CVS Import "limit" working too well

Hey people

I have a 'nonprofits' table I'd like to fill with data.  My "free plan" record count states my limit is "10,000 records"  In all my tables I have under 150 records for testing purposes but I'm unable to upload a CVS file with 9430 records - 9580 records total - less than the 10,000 limit.  

Not sure what's going on here.  I'd welcome some help while I'm still in the website development phase.



  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


    Hi, David. Can you reach out to us via support chat? I'd like to test with your CSV file and see what we can find out. Once you're logged into Xano, just click the question mark icon in the corner, and choose Support Chat. [image.png]
  • David Richardson
    Hi Chris

    Thanks for reaching out.  First I decided to just go ahead and pull the trigger on getting the starter level upgrade on my account.  So I can't satisfy your need to debug whatever was going on.

    Second, as many times as I've attempted to use the "Support Chat" button, no one was home.  I just used the noobie link.  Good enough.  But the real kicker is that it forces me to reread the instructions and sort it all out on my own.  I like to move quickly on stuff - but I often resemble a "bee bee in a box car."  I do get thing going.  But I am losing hair.  A beard is more practical anyway.

    End of the day I had success uploading the file without incident and working out the API to find the values I was looking for.  Xano has some quirks but overall a solid product from what I can tell.

    On a different note.  fifteen years ago I was coding in PHP and SQL.  There were concerns about database applications being vulnerable to malicious code insertion.  Is that still an issue?  I am anticipating using user input as a search term(s) in a search query.  

    What is the state of the database arts to avoid malicious actors?
  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


    Thanks, David. In the future, know that we are working on expanding our live support hours, but you are always free to simply leave your question and we'll answer it as soon as we are back online. I definitely understand the pros and cons of seemingly being forced to work on your own, but just know that we're always happy to answer questions as quick as we can. Whatever works best for you there.

    For your question re: malicious code vulnerabilities, security is paramount in building with Xano and we take it very seriously. I want to give you a more detailed answer on your question from an engineering perspective, so I'm going to tag  in this thread and see if he can jump in to give some insight here.