custom query, id in big array

hello, I'm building a twitter clone with weweb and xano

what is the best practice to create the feed?

because i need to fetch only the tweet from the people that I'm following

i was thinking in the get all tweet api first fetch all the followed users and then create a custom query in the fetch all tweets and take the tweet only if the user_id is in the followed users array list

but the list can be quite big, do you have a better way?

ps. Since this is a public project that I am creating only to show the potential of the professional no-code tools, weweb has given me the Pro plan for free, could you interest you too?[twitter no-code pt2.mp4]


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


    Hi, Nicola! I think you're on the right track. Using join and conditional in your query I feel like would be the most efficient way to do this, that way you're not calling any more data than necessary. I would also make sure to take advantage of paging, so just like Twitter, it's not loading "all tweets", just a certain number until you scroll. Super interested to see how this turns out!