✅ [Resolved] 500 Error: Unable to locate input?

I just received the 500 error shown below.

It happens when a user tries to post a workout with image, caption, etc. The endpoint was working two hours ago and is now isn't. I haven't changed anything in the frontend Draftbit app or in Xano, so I'm not sure what it could be or where to start debugging.[CleanShot 2022-06-14 at 18.30.36@2x.jpg]The endpoint's inputs are a photo and three number/text inputs, all of which are included in the request. So I'm not sure what input isn't being located.[CleanShot 2022-06-14 at 18.39.14@2x.jpg]Nobody can post a workout and the posting window resets daily, so it'd be pretty great to resolve this asap.
