Let me bring Run and Debug output with me

[image.png]If I click on the custom function `table_archive` I'll lose all my debug information. This makes debugging inconvenient. 

Bonus points if I could somehow click the debug statements and be teleported to the function it refers to


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


    I'm honestly right there with you on this one. Being able to look back at my debug information as much as I want until I run again would be super useful. Passing this one along right away.
  • Sam Bevis
    Sam Bevis Member
    Totally agree. The fact that you cant "copy" the debugging (with all the nexsted info) is also frustrating. I can copy the result into VS code and have it on another screen so I can work with it, but the Debug variables are much more handy.
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     you are able to copy the result of each statement. We added that last week.

  • Connor McCormick
     I think they mean copy the entire chain of debug info, not just one result
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     ah gotcha... makes sense. Happy to add that in the next release.
  • Sam Bevis
    Sam Bevis Member
     yes sorry I should have been more specific - when working with the function stack you lose all the run & debug info so I am constantly running/debug, find something, then click on function stack and lose the run an debug info... ideally if i could copy the entire run & debug i could paste into an IDE to refer to when interrogating my function stack 🙂
  • Connor McCormick
     Ideally ideally you don't even have to copy it to a separate place. It will just stick around in a referenceable way until you're done with it.

    Copying it to an external IDE is just a workaround anyway, right?
  • Sam Bevis
    Sam Bevis Member
     the only other way I could see it happening natively would be to have the ability to "pop-out" the debug into a new window, as you need the screen real estate to continue to modify the function stack.

    A tool such as VS Code is great for debugging invalid JSON, etc, as it colour coded and you can hide nested objects for a cleaner appearance. One of the bugs/errors I always come across is arrays within arrays which can be hard to spot in Xano.