How to return a list that's within a geographic region (with a twist)

I'm trying to return a list of items that's within a certain geographic region and am using the polygon feature to mark out the area. 

I can accomplish that however, I also want to return the items if no location on that item was given(i.e. it was bought online) - which I can't seem to get. 

So essentially its:
return all items that fall within a certain region plus the items whose location field is null/blank.

Does anyone know how one could go about this?


  • Steve Stava
    Steve Stava Member
    Not knowing your table structure and such, my first thought was to use an OR condition in your query all records "By custom query" section. The comparison for the OR would be the item's location = null
  • Joseph
    Joseph Member
    Hey Steve, will give that suggestion a try, thanks!

    I have a table solely for the area/region as Im following what Prakesh did in his video:
    Ps: Love your Youtube videos
  • Jarryd Hensel

    @Joseph would you be willing to share how you accomplished displaying a list of records that are within a defined polygon? I'm hoping to accomplish this as well but can't figure it out! Any and all guidance is appreciated. Thank you!

  • Joseph
    Joseph Member

    Hi @Jarryd Hensel , you'll need to hook up your Google API to use those functions if I recall correctly. Once that's done, create a function stack and insert the lat/lng coordinates to form some sort of shape for the geographic region you'd like to define. After that, state which are the locations you'd like to look out for(most likely the user's inputs or your captured lat/lng coordinates).

    Would love to show you my function stack but I have changed my app's functionality since it was some time ago.