"This instance has encountered an error."

Hi everybody

I just updated my plan from basics to launch, I typed "I UNDERSTAND" to migrate everything but for some reasons it says "This instance has encountered an error". I have a button next to it to contact the support but it doesn't work...

What should I do ? 
Thank you 


  • Brandon Hassler
    For an issue like this my guess is support would be the best option to look at it. Have you tried chatting with support via the main method? ("?" icon on the lower-left side then "Support Chat")?
  • Robin C
    Robin C Member
     Yes I tried but for some reason it doesn't work when i click on it...
  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


    Hey ! So sorry about this. If you're still having an issue, can you send me an email at chris@xano.com? 
  • Robin C
    Robin C Member
     Thanks Chris I finally managed to talk to the support and someone fixed the issue. Have a good day !