Same Table-Table relationship


I am looking at a user-user relationship. 
So basically UserTable-UserTable

I have a column (which is an object array) of partners in the table where I add partners to each user. 

Say i am adding user 16 to user 1. 
I would like to automatically see user 1 in user 16s partner list too. 
How do I go about it. 

The max I am able to do is, when I try to list all partners of a user (basically all partners of one user record) I am creating 2 addons. 1-> Partners_added_by_user 2-> Users_who_added_currentUser. And then list. 

But, I would like to see the changes in the table itself. 

Is it possible?

Thank you, 


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


    Hey there! Unfortunately, there isn't a way for you to see that table reference in the other table at this time. You could add a second table reference and just fill it in, but cross-referencing tables like that can be problematic and is not recommended.
  • Prathyusha Chilagani
    ok. Thank you.