Fuzzy Matching/Text Analysis

Hello All,

I am using a front end to submit data to Xano currently the fields the users are submitting are free text and Im looking for a way to build or extend a fuzzy matching logic to standardize the data against a second data table with standardized data. 


  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     fuzzy search is in the works. It is almost ready. Lots of users have been waiting for it. 

    There is a lot of nuance in search, so there is a chance the first iteration is not 100% what you need, but it will be a massive improvement over what it supported currently.

    We are focused on the following:
    • weighted results
    • normalizing words based on language (singular vs plural, etc)
    • multiple search indexes - i.e. use this index for public search and that index for private search
    • easy expression parser to take advantage of the search filter criteria

    In terms of ETA, it will probably be next week. We are in the middle of it as we speak.
  • Zeth Baker
    Zeth Baker Member
     Awesome thank you!!