Export Query (to use later with Import Query)

Hello people,

When creating an API endpoint, there's an option to Import Query - "You import any API endpoint you've exported using the three-dot menu".

What three-dot menu would that be? I've been using Xano for about an year and I still don't know how to export a query to YAML format.


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


    Hey, Charles! Thanks for bringing this to our attention -- the Import Query function is outdated, and the option has been removed from the UI. We have a much more robust solution now, Snippets.
  • Charles Bonnevialle
     You're welcome Chris! Ok but... I don't see what importing/exporting queries from/to a local file and creating public snippets for sharing with everyone else have to do with one another. I was kinda curious to try the YAML query importing. I thought this could be useful for instance for documenting/version controlling the design of my APIs.
  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


     It's not the most elegant solution, and I know we're exploring other import/export options, but you could create the snippet and once it has been shared into the target instance, unpublish/delete the snippet.