query all records missing some filters and compare ops

[FireShot Capture 090 - Xano - api2.zwsociety.com.png]Missing filter to convert db fields to array (e.g. a description text fields with free text), Missing intersection operator to allow db field to be compared to an array of keywords. Missing regex filters, missing array count filter. Generally availability of filters is not consistent. Also it would be more efficient to filter out results if operators like intersection can be applied in db query than having to extract all results and then apply filters on variable. Further lambda is not available in all filter situations.


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


    Hi, Mohan. Query all records operates on a different environment than variables in the function stack, therefore the filters are not the same.
  • mohan ramanujam
     if so how can i find matching fields of text e.g. a bio field, with multiple words with a search criteria which can also have one or more words i.e. I want to return records any word in the search criteria matches . It would be easy to have two arrays and do a intersection. But to get two arrays, I need to be able to convert bio field into an array. It would be inefficient to pull all records and then do this analysis in memory. regex operator won't work if the search criteria words are not contiguous in the bio field.
  • mohan ramanujam
    I solved it this way. let me know if you think there is a better approach if you wish to chime in.
    [FireShot Capture 091 - Xano - api2.zwsociety.com.png][FireShot Capture 092 - Xano - api2.zwsociety.com.png]
  • dhonato
    dhonato Member

    Hi Mohan,

    I have the same need and the same difficulty that you had.

    Unfortunately, the image is no longer available for me to see your solution.
    Could you repost or clarify again?
    it will help me a lot.