Help to Sort this aggregated list

My aggregated list contains a set of distinct values. I have an addon which provides related data.  

I would like to sort the list by one of the columns in the addon data - ClubName.

In the Configure Return form, the Sort option does not provide a way to select into the addon.  

I am using this data as the values in a form select - as can be seen in the screenshot, they are not sorted.

Is there another way to sort this data in Xano?



  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    I would use a separate line on the function stack for this. Do a new "create variable" that is the original data set but with a "sort" filter referencing the field you want to sort by. That can be much easier than bending "query all records" to your will.