Defining variables in Lambda function - error messages


I'm looking to make an API call to pass a file to an external database from Xano. The no-code approach worked only for images and PDFs but not for other file types (e.g. Word, Excel, etc.) so after recreating the API call in Postman, I copied the Javascript code generated, put them into the lambda function in Xano, and simply replaced the hard-coded inputs with variables in my function stack (see image below).

The only line I included myself is the follow_location which is trying to replicate the no-code entry. But even when I removed it, the response was the same.

Before including the lambda function, I tested the function stack with each variable as the final response and there were no issues getting values for the variables):
[image.png]However, when I run the lambda function, I get the following error response:
[image.png]What am I doing wrong? Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

PS1: I even tried returning just one variable to see whether the lambda function will pick it up (see image below). I'm still getting the same response as above, which leads me to think it has to do with the variable calls:
PS2: When I run the API in Postman, I'm able to send Word and Excel files as well as any other file type. I was looking into lambda because the no-code API in Xano was only working for images and PDFs but not other file types.
