1.44.3 (June 27, 2022)

Sean Montgomery
Sean Montgomery Administrator


• new feature - bulk add support for database records
• new feature - new filter create_object_from_entries
• bug fix - API requests using multipart for sending file payloads would have an issue if multi-level json was sent as well
• bug fix - canonical ids would not allow dashes at the start of the id, but sometimes they would be auto-generated with a dash at the start
• bug fix - deleting a table would sometimes cause a SQL view statement error
• bug fix - saving environment variables from marketplace extensions would generate an error
• bug fix - routes with special characters in the path variable would not be properly url decoded
• bug fix - json schema types would have trouble getting updated with partial changes

see more release notes


  • Riaan Backer
    Riaan Backer Member
    A huge shoutout to the Xano team  for introducing the bulk inserts into the Xano product. This has a massive impact to the product from a performance perspective and we have seen this first hand with a customer we are assisting in the United States. Processing bulk records in excess of 10 000 (what we have tested so far) very comfortably.