Connecting Databases VIA Integromat/Make

This is the scenario I want to create --> 

If I make a change in my airtable table, VIA integromat, I want to have that change be automatically made in my Xano database as well.


  • Brett Lewis
    Brett Lewis Member
    Perhaps Airtable has a webhook to notify you of table changes.

    Option 1 - You could then fire that webhook to Xano, to Add/Update records in the respective Xano table. You could skip Integromat/Make completely this way.

    Option 2 - Else you could have the webhook go to Integromat/Make and handle the updates in Xano via HTTP calls, but for me the first suggestion would be leaner - this second suggestion would represent duplication of efforts since Integromat/Make does not have a native module to make the no-coding easier for you.